Tuesday, 19 June 2007

Nestle WhataVITA?

I did not know what Ceravita meant until Noel, my nephew told me. Ceravita means Cereal Life (VITA). When Noel was explaining this to me I started thinking about the Nestle Brand in Zimbabwe, how this brand has spread in every home in urban Harare. I begun thinking of the times when I would go camping with children, not even once did I see a child without the product. Some even went to the extent of having other brands, AND Ceravita. This product is extremely successful amongst the children, and teenagers.

I wonder though, if Nestle know who consumes their product, where they buy from, who buys their product, why they buy it, how often they buy it, and what they think about? Zimbabwe is at a time where the child has the most buying power in society as parents, rich or poor, want to "give their children the best", making extraordinary sacrifices. Breakfast products are enjoying the highest of sales volumes, as money is available in tonnes by families from assorted backgrounds.

Another question would be, how far is this brand's influence? I know of families that send Ceravita to their relatives in UK, AU, and USA. The Zimbabwean community is not limited to our borders, but has stretched over the seas, and nations. The brand's influence is no longer only, but making headway into places never thought of before.

How many other brands are experiencing this? How can Zimbabwean brands capitalize on this market force?

Monday, 18 June 2007


Marketing success or failure in the 21st century can be attributed to the level of understanding Marketers have on the current generation, which has a strong hold over buying decision making within families, enterprises, institutions, communities, and various relationships.

The child, teen, and young adult of nowadays holds an enormous chunk of buying decision making in relationships around him or her. This generation is nothing like the previous ones. This generation has only one extra attribute from the others, i.e. EXTREME, in every aspect of their lives. Thoughts, Conduct, Knowledge, and Resources are all Xtreme ™. There are few Marketers who are benefiting from this generation, whilst others are holding onto the fading 20th century generations. It should not be like this.